To Better the Man.

"Causa latet vis est notissima."


We strive to to Better the Man, through the creation and perpetuation of brotherhood founded upon the va/lues of character: Silence, Charity, Purity, Honor, Patriotism. Alpha Sigma Phi is not interested in only becoming the fraternity of choice, for this perspective unnecessarily narrows our recruitment efforts to those inclined to go Greek. We instead, will be focused on appealing to a broader base of undergraduate men, thereby competing directly with other activities and organizations on today's campuses. By so doing, help to attract the very best and brightest undergraduate men.


We are a Fraternity founded upon the values of character. Our Values, once secret but made public in 2006, are what make us unique. Our Values call us to better ourselves through our actions and words. These are the values that we espouse:


He has the strength to embrace silence and the will to build an interior life founded upon an honest desire to truly listen to others. Trust in silence transcends the gulf that is created when men feel the need to compete in action or rhetoric. He is introspective and self-reliant.


He is charitable in the broadest sense of the word. A man who strives for a life of charity and service is more patient, kinder, and more forgiving of the flaws of others. A charitable man sacrifices of himself to help others and seeks no recognition in return. He is humble, reverent, and generous.


He consistently strives for purity of mind, body, and soul. The man who is pure of thought, word, and deed does not shrink from adversity or lofty goals. There is no self-pity, rationalizations, or apologies. He is moral and a gentleman in the finest sense of the word.


He lives a life of personal integrity, thereby accruing honor. An honorable man lives up to promises made to others and to himself. A man of honor is not vain, and is willing to endure scorn or ostracism rather than conform to the pressures of peers, superiors, or the fashion of the day. He is ethical, honest, and trustworthy.


He loves his country, remaining consistently engaged in its affairs. He seeks to know his country and to pass that knowledge on to others. He is devoted to the principles of personal freedom, justice, and civic responsibility embedded in the U.S. Constitution that have made our country. He is loyal, proud, and humble.






Our Members

Our Members embody the core values and spirit of Alpha Sigma Phi, each contributing their unique talents, perspectives, and passions to our vibrant brotherhood. United by our commitment to excellence and service, our diverse membership reflects a tapestry of backgrounds, interests, and aspirations. From dedicated scholars and emerging leaders to compassionate community advocates, our members are the heart and soul of our fraternity. Together, we celebrate our shared journey of personal growth, lifelong friendships, and making a difference in the world. As brothers, we support and uplift one another, fostering an environment of inclusivity, respect, and support. Whether it's through academic achievements, leadership endeavors, or philanthropic initiatives, our members exemplify the ideals of Alpha Sigma Phi and leave a lasting impact on our community and beyond.

Engineering Majors
Business Majors
Architecture, Arts, & Design Majors
Agriculture & Life Science Majors
Science Majors




Current Members


Cumulative GPA


% of Members on Dean's List


"Being in a fraternity has allowed me to grow. To become a leader. To make friends I consider family. It makes this campus feel more like home."

- Hudson Mueller, Brotherhood Development Chair (2022 - 2023)
Real Estate & Finance Major

"When I first joined ASIG, I didn't really know what to expect. I didn't know anyone already in the organization, and only knew one kid in my pc. Throughout pledging I met many incredible people and I am lucky now to call them my brothers. I take pride in being in ASIG and wouldn't have had it any other way."

- Brendan Mullin, Merchant of Arms (2023 - 2024)
Civil Engineering Major

“The chance to rush Alpha Sig was once in a lifetime. I got the opportunity to learn a lot about leadership and build on new experiences. Overall, I’ve had a great time with my brothers, from going to formals to waking up at 5 A.M. for tailgates.”

- Patrick Mountcastle, Vice President (2022 - 2023)
Computer Science Major

"My experience in ASIG has been very positive in many ways. I bave been able to connect with alumni in my field, form relationships with my peers, and overall enhance my college experience. It is really cool to have such a committed group of guys who are interested in doing things around the community and hanging out through different fraternity events, intramural sports, and things of that nature."

- Jake Samuel, Alumni Chair (2024 - Present)
Communications Major

"Alpha Sigma Phi has given me a brotherhood experience that I longed for when arriving at Tech. Growing up with two brothers, I always had a tight family and was nervously excited about how I'd fit into such a big environment. ASig has put me into contact with so many different people from various walks of life that I would never encountered otherwise. Deciding to join ASig was my best decision since arrivign at college and I can't wait to see how my remaining 2 years unfold."

- Mike Nasielski, Family & Alumni Chair (Spring 2024 - Present)
Communications Major

"I joined Alpha Sig because I wanted to be around guys who genuinely cared about me, and I got that with my pledge class. I truly believe these friendships will last a lifetime, and I feel like I can always rely on them for support."

- William Lummus, 2024 Grad
Secure Computing Major

"I decided to rush as a freshman in hopes of finding new friends and making valuable connections for the future. What I ended up finding was not only a brotherhood where I belonged, but a family."

- Sean Kearin, Vice President (Spring 2024 - Present)
NSFA Major


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Alpha Sigma Phi
Sorority & Fraternity
Delta Upsilon | Virginia Tech
2875 Oak Lane, Blacksburg, Virginia